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Reflections of Guru-Shisiya Parampara at different Phase of life.


Reflections of Guru-Shisiya Parampara at different Phase of life.

Guru — The Teacher.

Shishya -Student of a guru. 

Parampara -A continuous progression.

"Gu" signifies dim and "Ru" signifies light. Though, "Guru" can be generally made an interpretation of as obscurity to light, or potentially one who leads from murkiness to light. The Guru is an educator who controls the Shishya's (student's) life or an otherworldly coach who drives the shishya from visual deficiency or numbness to ecstasy, astuteness, and illumination.

The Guru Shishya culture, or parampara ("heredity"), suggests the development of teachers and devotees in standard Vedic culture and religions, for example, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. Each parampara has a place with a particular sampradaya and may have its own akharas and gurukuls.

It is the convention of otherworldly relationship and tutoring where lessons are transmitted from a guru "educator" (Sanskrit: गुरु) to a śiṣya "pupil" (Sanskrit: शिष्य) or chela. 

Such data, whether or not it be a good way, Moral characteristics, Vedic, agamic, engineering, melodic or significant, talks through the making association between the Guru and the Shishya.

This shows the relationship, validity of the guru, and the regard which does not depend on age or how old one looks, responsibility, dedication, and acquiescence of the understudy. 

The most ideal route for inconspicuous or propelled information to be passed on. And the understudy in the long run experts the information that the guru exemplifies.

Inside the wide range of the Hindu religion, the guru–shishya relationship is visible in various variation structures including tantra. Some basic components in this relationship include:

The Guru drives his shishya towards a definitive objective with no attractions for distinction or increase. He shows the way of God and watches the advancement of his follower, controlling him along the way. He moves certainty, commitment, discipline, profound comprehension, and brightening through affection. The shishya ought to have overall fortune love control and quietude.

In spite of the fact that we have gone into our new thousand years. However, our way of life remains unforgotten.

We can say that the Guru is the center of all the training, expressions, culture, and information.

Ancestry of Gurus

Other organization Guru Shishya parampara is likewise, said to have originated from the unceasing.

Each Guru Shishya convention asserts its inception in the everlasting. In each convention, the ancestry of educators is given a welcome. Here is the welcome sloka of advancing:

[Narayana samarambham vyasa sankara madhyamam asmad acarya paryantam vande guru parampara].

Which means: welcome to the genealogy beginning with master Narayana,
with Vyasa and Adi Sankara in the center and proceeding up to my prompt instructor.

Lord Siva/Vishnu is supposed to be the primary educator. Veda Vyasa is supposed to be the principal human instructor, who is a manifestation of Vishnu himself.

This is the explanation his introduction to the world day,
is commended in recognition of Gurus (Vyasa Purnima is called Guru Purnima).



Information is of two sorts, deductive and experiential. The understudy gets at an early stage bearing and valuation for the subject from the teacher to the instructor, the premises, and proceeds with concentration. In other words, his confinement with experiential information should be searched for in a substitute manner.

There is a need for an immovable trust in the educator, and a confirmation to follow his statement in transit, paying little heed to how it sounds to his biased reason.

This is an essential contrast between the quest for sastras and profound practice.

Reflections of Guru-Shisiya Parampara

Guru Shishya Tradition in Home

As soon as, a couple decides to have a youngster and decide to become a parent. At that moment they decided to turn into a Guru. As we know the Parents are the main Guru of Children.

At the point when a mother has a baby in the belly and the time of multi-month every single second of the day what the mother does, they get familiar with every single thing.

The best model is from of epic history of Mahabharat when Abhimanyu child of Arjun,
when he is in Subhadra womb, he learn how to get into the chakraview.

At the point when a kid went to the world structure that to the day when he/she held feet to the outside world, guardians were the guru of that kid.

Home is the primary spot where Guru shishiya Parampara initially starts.

Guru Shishya Tradition in Education.

Guru Shishya Parampara, an understudy moves towards a Guru in his picked subject matter, and demands to be conceded affirmation, otherwise called "Shishyvruthi".

When Guru acknowledges the Shishya, he will experience a conventional commencement service, where the Guru acknowledges the Shishya and assumes the liability of his profound prosperity and progress in life known as "Gandabandhan".

Here the fundamental point is to confer the information on Indian customs which can't, in any case, be picked up by simply understanding books.

Shishya completes his piece of preparing if the Guru feels he is ready to graduate to this present reality; at that point, he directs a test and welcomes Gurus from different Gurukuls and specialists in the field.

Same as today our folks pick the best school and make our affirmation for our better instruction.

There we give numerous Exams to show our ability and our outcome shows that what we had gained from our gurus after breezing over the assessment, the Shishya is addressed as a master and advanced as "vidwan" in the respective field.

Consequently, the Shishya will show his regard by introducing a badge of regard to the Guru for the information he bestowed in kind, which is otherwise called "Gurudakshina". Which we are paying as training expenses to the separate School, College, and college.

Guru Shishya Tradition in Work Field

In the work field possibly it is employment or business consistently there is a guru as senior or master in that field who directs the lesser or new business person to run his/her work easily, who gives them information about that field, helps to learn it successfully and perform easily.

At the job, there is a diverse period of the coach at various levels and as the representative pushes ahead, he/she dies at all the levels and gains all the information on the field.

 At business, Expert always tries to help new entrepreneur. Which helps the business entrepreneur to develop his/her business.

 Here the Employee and Entrepreneur are the Shishya and Experts are the Guru.

Guru Shishya Tradition in Marriage.

In Hinduism, the priest speaks a Guru mantra in the ear of the Bride and Groom at the time of marriage. At that specific time, the priest becomes the guru and the couple becomes the Shishya. As we consider the priest to be the guru on the grounds that he gives great lecturing to individuals.

Guru Shishya custom in Performing Arts.

The eight old classical Dances of India are rich, complex oral customs. That passes on from instructor to teacher for quite a long time. Making Guru shishya parampara vital to their exhibition and practice.

In Indian Classical Dance and Music, we can see this custom which is being proceeded for numerous hundreds of years.

But today we can see this parampara in traditional, folk dance and music also. Folk and traditional dance are both mastered by observing the performance. Time while seeing the performance spectator is the Shishya and the performer is the Guru.

So in this context also we can say that Guru Shishya parampara is been followed for thousands of years in traditional and folk dances. 

Guru Mantra

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshswara, Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Tasmai Shree guravya Namoha.

 Our creation is that guru (Brahma-the power of creation); the term of our lives is that guru (Vishnu-the power of conservation); our preliminaries, hardships, diseases and the passing of the body is that guru (devotional Maheshwara-the power of annihilation or change). There is a guru close by (Guru Sakshat) and a guru that is past the past (param Brahma). I make my contribution (tasmai) to the excellent (Shri) remover of my haziness, my numbness; (Guru) it is to you I bow and set out my life (Namah).

Reflections of Guru-Shisiya Parampara at different Phase of life.



The Guru Shishya convention began blurring endlessly in the Indian culture with the appearance of British principles and spite the fact that we don't discover the Guru Shishya convention in the greater part of the fields. It's as yet alive in the field of craftsmanship, explicitly performing Art like Dance, Music, and Yoga.

The foundation of an educator/understudy relationship. A formal acknowledgment of this relationship, by and large in an organized commencement function. Where the guru acknowledges the start as a shishya; and furthermore acknowledges obligation regarding the otherworldly prosperity and progress of the new shishya.

Sometimes this inception procedure will incorporate the passing on of explicit elusive astuteness as well as contemplation strategies.

Gurudakshina, where the shishya gives a blessing to the guru as a badge of appreciation, is frequently the main financial or in any case charge that the understudy ever gives.

Such tokens can be as straightforward as a bit of natural product or as genuine as a thumb, as on account of Ekalavya and his guru Dronacharya.

In certain parampara, there will never be more than one dynamic ace simultaneously in the equivalent guruparamaparya (ancestry).

It is not true, guru shishya parampara is in dance, music, and yoga or school/gurukul. It is also in all of our life and diverse period of life.

Indeed, even a little youngster can also become Guru to the Elder person.

We ought not to slight our seniors as they are the gurus to us and regard is and each guru from which we had taken in a little thing moreover.

Especially I thank all my Guru at the end.

Written by
Akash Kumar Muni,
Masters in Performing Arts
Sector-17 D/23
At\PO – Sector-18,Rourkela-769003,
Dist. Sundargarh, Orissa, India.
Cell # 8637269356



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